As PMU artists, every single one of you has the responsibility to enhance your client's natural beauty with each passing procedure, and Mandy Sauler does that every day with her Medical Tattooing work. That’s why she’s partnered with Operation Smile in Egypt, to help reduce the appearance of cleft lip scars and ultimately restore confidence.
Operation Smile is a nonprofit organization whose mission since 1982, is to improve the lives of patients with cleft conditions. However, Sauler needs your help to raise $8 thousand for tattoo supplies, travel, lodging, and meals. Help Sauler embark on her medical mission this October 2021, in Egypt.
Click hereOpens a new window to donate to the cause.
Many cleft-lipped people wear their cleft lip scar with pride and see it as a battle wound. However, for some, they just want to look like everyone else. To accomplish this, Sauler implants a small amount of pigment in the client's dermal layer of the skin and around the lip line, ultimately creating a lip shape.
For over 19 years, Sauler has been performing medical tattoo procedures and has earned the reputation of being a fine line artist due to her natural ability to create smooth, steady lines, along with her attention to detail.
Sauler believes artists should use their talents to help people, even if you’re not getting compensated for it.
“We make people happy every day,” she said, “and just to do it without the thought of making money feels like you're giving back and feel more whole. If more artists can give what we have than that would be amazing.”
To help Sauler with her mission, Microbeau will be donating much needed supplies such as needles, caps, lab clothes, A&D/Petroleum packs, Cohesive Wraps, Practice Skins and Sanitary wipes. If you wish to help her change lives then donate to the cause at GoFundMe.comOpens a new window